The official Just Cause 3 system requirements lack specificity about the resolution, detail level, or framerate that will be possible on systems matching the outlined configurations. So come on in for the year's penultimate Graphics and Performance Guide. In this guide we'll detail these graphics settings and technologies, demonstrate their impact on image quality, reveal their relative performance cost, and also look at an easy-to-implement enhancement made possible by the NVIDIA Control Panel.
Rico's return also sees a significant technological upgrade, with higher-definition textures, more complex and realistic destruction, the latest graphical effects, and a stunning implementation of our WaveWorks water technology. Now he's returned home for Just Cause 3, only to find it under the control of an ever-so-evil dictator, giving him the perfect excuse to blow yet more stuff up, but this time with new gadgets, new guns, new vehicles, and an amazing wing suit that can be combined with your grapple and parachute for unparalleled mobility. It's been five long years since Rico Rodriguez last blew stuff up in Just Cause 2. By Andrew Burnes on Mon, Featured Stories,